pywws.conversions - a set of functions to convert pywws native units (Centigrade, mm, m/s, hPa) to other popular units


apparent_temp(temp, rh, wind) Compute apparent temperature (real feel), using formula from
cadhumidex(temp, humidity) Calculate Humidity Index as per Canadian Weather Standards
cloud_base(temp, hum) Calculate cumulus cloud base in metres, using formula from
cloud_ft(m) Convert cloud base from metres to feet.
dew_point(temp, hum) Compute dew point, using formula from
illuminance_wm2(lux) Approximate conversion of illuminance in lux to solar radiation in W/m2
pressure_inhg(hPa) Convert pressure from hectopascals/millibar to inches of mercury
pressure_trend_text(trend) Convert pressure trend to a string, as used by the UK met office.
rain_inch(mm) Convert rainfall from millimetres to inches
temp_f(c) Convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit
usaheatindex(temp, humidity, dew) Calculate Heat Index as per USA National Weather Service Standards
wind_bft(ms) Convert wind from metres per second to Beaufort scale
wind_chill(temp, wind) Compute wind chill, using formula from
wind_kmph(ms) Convert wind from metres per second to kilometres per hour
wind_kn(ms) Convert wind from metres per second to knots
wind_mph(ms) Convert wind from metres per second to miles per hour
winddir_average(data, threshold, min_count) Compute average wind direction (in degrees) for a slice of data.
winddir_degrees(pts) Convert wind direction from 0..15 to degrees
winddir_text(pts) Convert wind direction from 0..15 to compass point text

Approximate conversion of illuminance in lux to solar radiation in W/m2


Convert pressure from hectopascals/millibar to inches of mercury


Convert pressure trend to a string, as used by the UK met office.


Convert rainfall from millimetres to inches


Convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit

pywws.conversions.winddir_average(data, threshold, min_count, decay=1.0)[source]

Compute average wind direction (in degrees) for a slice of data.

The wind speed and direction of each data item is converted to a vector before averaging, so the result reflects the dominant wind direction during the time period covered by the data.

Setting the decay parameter converts the filter from a simple averager to one where the most recent sample carries the highest weight, and earlier samples have a lower weight according to how long ago they were.

This process is an approximation of “exponential smoothing”. See Wikipedia for a detailed discussion.

The parameter decay corresponds to the value (1 - alpha) in the Wikipedia description. Because the weather data being smoothed may not be at regular intervals this parameter is the decay over 5 minutes. Weather data at other intervals will have its weight scaled accordingly.


The return value is in degrees, not the 0..15 range used elsewhere in pywws.

  • data (pywws.DataStore.core_store) – a slice of pywws raw/calib or hourly data.
  • threshold (float) – minimum average windspeed for there to be a valid wind direction.
  • min_count (int) – minimum number of data items for there to be a valid wind direction.
  • decay (float) – filter coefficient decay rate.
Return type:



Convert wind direction from 0..15 to degrees


Convert wind direction from 0..15 to compass point text


Convert wind from metres per second to kilometres per hour


Convert wind from metres per second to miles per hour


Convert wind from metres per second to knots


Convert wind from metres per second to Beaufort scale

pywws.conversions.dew_point(temp, hum)[source]

Compute dew point, using formula from

pywws.conversions.cadhumidex(temp, humidity)[source]

Calculate Humidity Index as per Canadian Weather Standards

pywws.conversions.usaheatindex(temp, humidity, dew)[source]

Calculate Heat Index as per USA National Weather Service Standards

See, formula 1. The formula is not valid for T < 26.7C, Dew Point < 12C, or RH < 40%

pywws.conversions.wind_chill(temp, wind)[source]

Compute wind chill, using formula from

pywws.conversions.apparent_temp(temp, rh, wind)[source]

Compute apparent temperature (real feel), using formula from

pywws.conversions.cloud_base(temp, hum)[source]

Calculate cumulus cloud base in metres, using formula from or


Convert cloud base from metres to feet.

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