Come integrare pywws con vari servizi meteorologici

Questa guida dà brevi istruzioni su come utilizzare pywws con alcuni altri servizi meteorologici e software. Non è completo, e alcuni servizi (come Twitter) sono trattati più dettagliatamente altrove.


YoWindow è un display widget meteo in grado di visualizzare i dati da internet o dalla tua stazione meteo. Per visualizzare i dati della tua stazione pywws devi scrivere in un file locale, in genere ogni 48 secondi quando vengono ricevuti i dati nuovi. Questo è facile da fare:

  1. Arrestare tutti i software pywws

  2. Copiare il modello di esempio “ yowindow.xml “ nella directory modelli di testo.

  3. Se non hai già fatto, modifica weather.ini e imposta la voce local_files nella sezione [paths] una directory adatta per il vostro file di yowindow.

  4. Aggiungere il modello yowindow per le attività di [live] in weather.ini. Impostare il flag 'L' così il risultato è copiato in una directory locale invece di essere caricata su un sito ftp:

    text = [('yowindow.xml', 'L')]
  5. Riavviare pywws in registrazione “live”.

È possibile controllare se il file è aggiornato ogni 48 secondi usando more o cat per visualizzare sullo schermo il file.

Infine configurare yowindow per utilizzare questo file. Vedere per le istruzioni su come effettuare questa operazione.


Vedere Come configurare pywws per pubblicare messaggi su Twitter per le istruzioni complete.

Other «services»

The remaining weather service uploads are handled by the pywws.toservice module. See the module’s documentation for general configuration options. The following subsections give further information about some of the available services.

Citizen Weather Observer Program

Nuovo nella versione 14.02.dev1156.

  • Web site:

  • Create account:

  • API:

  • Esempi della sezione weather.ini:

    designator = EW9999
    latitude = 5130.06N
    longitude = 00008.52E
    template = default
    services = ['cwop', 'underground']
    services = ['cwop', 'underground_rf']

    or, for radio hams:

    designator = G4XXX
    passcode = xxxxxx
    latitude = 5130.06N
    longitude = 00008.52E
    template = default
    services = ['cwop_ham', 'underground']
    services = ['cwop_ham', 'underground_rf']

Note that the latitude and longitude must be in «LORAN» format and leading zeros are required. See question 3 in the CWOP FAQ for more information.

Licensed radio hams use their callsign as the designator and need a passcode. They should use the service name cwop_ham instead of cwop when running pywws.toservice directly and in the weather.ini services entries. (The same [cwop] config section is used for both.)

CWOP uploads are rate-limited by pywws, so you can safely add it to both the [live] and [logged] sections in weather.ini.

The CWOP/APRS uploader is based on code by Marco Trevisan <>.


Nuovo nella versione 14.12.0.dev1260.

MQTT is a «message broker» system, typically running on localhost or another computer in your home network. Use of MQTT with pywws requires an additional library. See Dependencies - MQTT for details.

  • MQTT:

  • Mosquitto (a lightweight broker):

  • Esempi della sezione weather.ini:

    topic = /weather/pywws
    hostname = localhost
    port = 1883
    client_id = pywws
    retain = True
    auth = False
    user = unknown
    password = unknown
    template = default
    multi_topic = False
    services = ['mqtt', 'underground']

pywws will publish a JSON string of the data specified in the mqtt_template_1080.txt file. This data will be published to the broker running on hostname, with the port number specified. (An IP address can be used instead of a host name.) client_id is a note of who published the data to the topic. topic can be any string value, this needs to be the topic that a subscriber is aware of.

retain is a boolean and should be set to True or False (or left at the default unknown). If set to True this will flag the message sent to the broker to be retained. Otherwise the broker discards the message if no client is subscribing to this topic. This allows clients to get an immediate response when they subscribe to a topic, without having to wait until the next message is published.

auth, user and password can be used for MQTT authentication.

multi_topic is a boolean and should be set to True or False. If set to True pywws will also publish all the data each as separate subtopics of the configured topic; i.e., with the topic set to /weather/pywws pywws will also publish the outside temperature to /weather/pywws/temp_out and the inside temperature to /weather/pywws/temp_in.

If these aren’t obvious to you it’s worth doing a bit of reading around MQTT. It’s a great lightweight messaging system from IBM, recently made more popular when Facebook published information on their use of it.

This has been tested with the Mosquitto Open Source MQTT broker, running on a Raspberry Pi (Raspian OS). TLS (mqtt data encryption) is not yet implemented.

Thanks to Matt Thompson for writing the MQTT code and to Robin Kearney for adding the retain and auth options.

UK Met Office

Open Weather Map

When choosing a user name you should avoid spaces (and probably non-ascii characters as well). Having a space in your user name causes strange «internal server error» responses from the server.

The default behaviour is to use your user name to identify the weather station. However, it’s possible for a user to have more than one weather station, so there is an optional name parameter in the API that can be used to identify the station. This appears as id in weather.ini. Make sure you choose a name that is not already in use.

PWS Weather

  • Web site:

  • Esempi della sezione weather.ini:

    hash = ???
    template = default
    services = ['temperaturnu', 'underground']

You receive the hash value from the admins during sign up. It looks like «d3b07384d113edec49eaa6238ad5ff00».

Weather Underground

Weather Underground «RapidFire» updates

Weather Underground ha un secondo upload URL per aggiornamenti in tempo reale appena 2,5 secondi. Se si esegue pywws con “live logging” (vedere Come impostare una registrazione “live” con pywws) è possibile utilizzare questa opzione per inviare gli aggiornamenti ogni 48 secondi, con l’aggiunta di “underground_rf” nella sezione [live] delle attività weather.ini:

station = ABCDEFGH1
password = xxxxxxx
template = default

services = ['underground_rf']

services = ['underground', 'metoffice']

Assicurarsi di che avere attivo un servizio “underground” in [logged] o [hourly]. In questo modo vengono inviati i record “catchup” per colmare eventuali lacune se vostra stazione passa alla modalità offline per qualche motivo.

Custom Request Headers

The pywws.toservice module does support the injection of one or more custom request headers for special cases where you want to integrate with a service that, for example, requires you to pass an authentication key header along with each request, such as x-api-key.

These headers can be added to your a_service.ini file in the format of key value pairs:

url         =
catchup             = 100
interval    = 0
use get             = True
result              = []
auth_type   = None
http_headers        = [('x-api-key', 'my-api-key'), ('x-some-header', 'value')]

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