Codice sorgente per pywws.ToTwitter

#!/usr/bin/env python

# pywws - Python software for USB Wireless Weather Stations
# Copyright (C) 2008-17  pywws contributors

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

"""Post a message to Twitter


This module posts a brief message to `Twitter
<>`_. Before posting to Twitter you need to set up
an account and then authorise pywws by running the
:py:mod:`TwitterAuth` program. See :doc:`../guides/twitter` for
detailed instructions.


from __future__ import absolute_import

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__usage__ = """
 usage: python -m pywws.ToTwitter [options] data_dir file
 options are:
  -h | --help  display this help
 data_dir is the root directory of the weather data
 file is the text file to be uploaded
__doc__ %= __usage__
__usage__ = __doc__.split('\n')[0] + __usage__

import codecs
import getopt
import logging
import sys

twitter = None
tweepy = None
    import twitter
except ImportError, ex:
        import tweepy
    except ImportError:
        # raise exception on the preferred library
        raise ex

from pywws.constants import Twitter as pct
from pywws import DataStore
from pywws import Localisation
from pywws.Logger import ApplicationLogger

[documenti]class TweepyHandler(object): def __init__(self, key, secret, latitude, longitude): self.logger = logging.getLogger('pywws.ToTwitter')'Using tweepy library') auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(pct.consumer_key, pct.consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(key, secret) self.api = tweepy.API(auth) if latitude is not None and longitude is not None: self.kwargs = {'lat' : latitude, 'long' : longitude} else: self.kwargs = {}
[documenti] def post(self, status, media): if len(media) > 1: self.logger.error('Tweepy library cannot post multiple media') if media: self.api.update_with_media(media[0], status[:257], **self.kwargs) else: self.api.update_status(status[:280], **self.kwargs)
[documenti]class PythonTwitterHandler(object): def __init__(self, key, secret, latitude, longitude, timeout): self.logger = logging.getLogger('pywws.ToTwitter')'Using python-twitter library') self.api = twitter.Api( consumer_key=pct.consumer_key, consumer_secret=pct.consumer_secret, access_token_key=key, access_token_secret=secret, timeout=timeout) if latitude is not None and longitude is not None: self.kwargs = {'latitude' : latitude, 'longitude' : longitude, 'display_coordinates' : True} else: self.kwargs = {} self.kwargs['verify_status_length'] = False
[documenti] def post(self, status, media): max_len = 280 if media: max_len -= len(media[:4]) * 23 status = status.strip()[:max_len] args = dict(self.kwargs) if media: args['media'] = media self.api.PostUpdate(status, **args)
[documenti]class ToTwitter(object): def __init__(self, params): self.logger = logging.getLogger('pywws.ToTwitter') self.params = params self.old_ex = None # get parameters key = params.get('twitter', 'key') secret = params.get('twitter', 'secret') if (not key) or (not secret): raise RuntimeError('Authentication data not found') latitude = params.get('twitter', 'latitude') longitude = params.get('twitter', 'longitude') # open API if twitter: if eval(params.get('config', 'asynchronous', 'False')): timeout = 60 else: timeout = 20 self.api = PythonTwitterHandler( key, secret, latitude, longitude, timeout) else: self.api = TweepyHandler(key, secret, latitude, longitude)
[documenti] def Upload(self, tweet): if not tweet: return True media = [] while tweet.startswith('media'): media_item, tweet = tweet.split('\n', 1) media_item = media_item.split()[1] media.append(media_item) try:, media) return True except Exception, ex: e = str(ex) if 'is a duplicate' in e: return True if e != self.old_ex: self.logger.error(e) self.old_ex = e return False
[documenti] def UploadFile(self, file): # get default character encoding of template output encoding = self.params.get('config', 'template encoding', 'iso-8859-1') tweet_file =, 'r', encoding=encoding) tweet = tweet_file.close() return self.Upload(tweet)
[documenti]def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h", ['help']) except getopt.error, msg: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: %s\n' % msg print >>sys.stderr, __usage__.strip() return 1 # process options for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): print __usage__.strip() return 0 # check arguments if len(args) != 2: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: 2 arguments required" print >>sys.stderr, __usage__.strip() return 2 logger = ApplicationLogger(1) params = DataStore.params(args[0]) Localisation.SetApplicationLanguage(params) if ToTwitter(params).UploadFile(args[1]): return 0 return 3
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())