Test connection to weather station.
This script can also be run with the pywws-testweatherstation
usage: python -m pywws.testweatherstation [options]
options are:
--help display this help
-c | --change display any changes in "fixed block" data
-d | --decode display meaningful values instead of raw data
-h n | --history n display the last "n" readings
-l | --live display 'live' data
-m | --logged display 'logged' data
-u | --unknown display unknown fixed block values
-v | --verbose increase amount of reassuring messages
(repeat for even more messages e.g. -vvv)
This is a simple utility to test communication with the weather station. If this doesn’t work, then there’s a problem that needs to be sorted out before trying any of the other programs. Likely problems include not properly installing the USB libraries, or a permissions problem. The most unlikely problem is that you forgot to connect the weather station to your computer!
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