Source code for pywws.regulartasks

# pywws - Python software for USB Wireless Weather Stations
# Copyright (C) 2008-21  pywws contributors

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

"""Routines to perform common tasks such as plotting gaphs or uploading files."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

from ast import literal_eval
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import importlib
import logging
import os
import sys
import time

from pywws.calib import Calib
import pywws.plot
import pywws.template
from pywws.timezone import time_zone
import pywws.windrose

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RegularTasks(object): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.params = context.params self.status = context.status self.raw_data = context.raw_data self.calib_data = context.calib_data self.hourly_data = context.hourly_data self.daily_data = context.daily_data self.monthly_data = context.monthly_data self.flush = literal_eval( self.params.get('config', 'frequent writes', 'False')) # get directories self.template_dir = self.params.get( 'paths', 'templates', os.path.expanduser('~/weather/templates/')) self.graph_template_dir = self.params.get( 'paths', 'graph_templates', os.path.expanduser('~/weather/graph_templates/')) self.module_dir = self.params.get( 'paths', 'modules', os.path.expanduser('~/weather/modules/')) # create calibration object self.calibrator = Calib(self.params, self.raw_data) # create templater object self.templater = pywws.template.Template(context) # create plotter objects self.plotter = pywws.plot.GraphPlotter(context, self.context.work_dir) self.roseplotter = pywws.windrose.RosePlotter( context, self.context.work_dir) # get daytime end hour self.day_end_hour, self.use_dst = pywws.process.get_day_end_hour( self.params) # parse "cron" sections self.cron = {} for section in self.params._config.sections(): if section.split()[0] != 'cron': continue import croniter last_update = self.status.get_datetime('last update', section) last_update = last_update or datetime.utcnow() self.cron[section] = croniter.croniter( self.params.get(section, 'format', ''), start_time=time_zone.utc_to_local(last_update)) self.cron[section].get_next() # create service uploader objects = {} for section in list(self.cron.keys()) + [ 'live', 'logged', 'hourly', '12 hourly', 'daily']: for name, options in self._parse_templates(section, 'services'): if name in continue if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.module_dir, name + '.py')): sys.path.insert(0, self.module_dir) mod = importlib.import_module(name) del sys.path[0] else: mod = importlib.import_module('pywws.service.' + name)[name] = mod.ToService(context) # check for obsolete entries if self.params.get(section, 'twitter'): logger.error( 'Obsolete twitter entry in weather.ini [%s]', section) if self.params.get(section, 'yowindow'): logger.error( 'Obsolete yowindow entry in weather.ini [%s]', section)
[docs] def has_live_tasks(self): if self.cron: return True for name in literal_eval(self.params.get('live', 'services', '[]')): return True for template in literal_eval(self.params.get('live', 'plot', '[]')): return True for template in literal_eval(self.params.get('live', 'text', '[]')): return True return False
def _parse_templates(self, section, option): for template in literal_eval(self.params.get(section, option, '[]')): if isinstance(template, (list, tuple)): yield template[0], template[1:] else: yield template, () def _do_common(self, now, sections, live_data=None):'doing task sections {!r}'.format(sections)) # make lists of tasks from all sections, avoiding repeats service_tasks = [] text_tasks = [] plot_tasks = [] for section in sections: for task in self._parse_templates(section, 'services'): if task not in service_tasks: service_tasks.append(task) for task in self._parse_templates(section, 'text'): if task not in text_tasks: text_tasks.append(task) for task in self._parse_templates(section, 'plot'): if task not in plot_tasks: plot_tasks.append(task) # do plot templates for template, flags in plot_tasks: self.do_plot(template) # do text templates for template, flags in text_tasks: self.do_template(template, data=live_data) # do service tasks for name, options in service_tasks:[name].upload(live_data=live_data, options=options) # allow all services to sent some catchup records catchup = list( stop = time.time() + 20.0 while catchup and time.time() < stop: for name in list(catchup): if[name].do_catchup(): catchup.remove(name) # update status for section in sections: self.status.set('last update', section, now.isoformat(' ')) # save any unsaved data if self.flush or 'hourly' in sections: self.context.flush() def _cron_due(self, now): if not self.cron: return [] # make list of due sections sections = [] for section in self.cron: if time_zone.local_to_utc( self.cron[section].get_current(datetime)) > now: continue sections.append(section) while time_zone.local_to_utc( self.cron[section].get_next(datetime)) <= now: pass return sections def _periodic_due(self, now): # make list of due sections sections = [] # hourly threshold = time_zone.hour_start(now) last_update = self.status.get_datetime('last update', 'hourly') if not last_update or last_update < threshold: sections.append('hourly') # daily threshold = time_zone.day_start( now, self.day_end_hour, use_dst=self.use_dst) last_update = self.status.get_datetime('last update', 'daily') if not last_update or last_update < threshold: sections.append('daily') # 12 hourly threshold = max(threshold, time_zone.day_start( now, (self.day_end_hour + 12) % 24, use_dst=self.use_dst)) last_update = self.status.get_datetime('last update', '12 hourly') if not last_update or last_update < threshold: sections.append('12 hourly') return sections
[docs] def do_live(self, data): calib_data = self.calibrator.calib(data) now = calib_data['idx'] sections = ['live'] + self._cron_due(now) + self._periodic_due(now) self._do_common(now, sections, live_data=calib_data)
[docs] def do_tasks(self): now = self.calib_data.before(datetime.max) if not now: raise RuntimeError('No processed data available') if not self.context.live_logging: # do periodic tasks if they would be due by next logging time now += timedelta(minutes=self.calib_data[now]['delay']) sections = ['logged'] + self._cron_due(now) + self._periodic_due(now) self._do_common(now, sections) if not self.context.live_logging: # cleanly shut down upload threads for name in[name].stop()
[docs] def do_plot(self, template):"Graphing %s", template) input_file = os.path.join(self.graph_template_dir, template) output_file = os.path.join( self.context.output_dir, os.path.splitext(template)[0]) input_xml = pywws.plot.GraphFileReader(input_file) if (input_xml.get_children(self.plotter.plot_name) and self.plotter.do_plot(input_xml, output_file) == 0): return output_file if (input_xml.get_children(self.roseplotter.plot_name) and self.roseplotter.do_plot(input_xml, output_file) == 0): return output_file logger.warning('nothing to graph in %s', input_file) return None
[docs] def do_template(self, template, data=None):"Templating %s", template) input_file = os.path.join(self.template_dir, template) output_file = os.path.join(self.context.output_dir, template) self.templater.make_file(input_file, output_file, live_data=data) return output_file