Source code for pywws.conversions

#!/usr/bin/env python

# pywws - Python software for USB Wireless Weather Stations
# Copyright (C) 2008-18  pywws contributors

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

""" - a set of functions to convert pywws native units
(Centigrade, mm, m/s, hPa) to other popular units


from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import math

import pywws.localisation
import pywws.process

[docs]def scale(value, factor): """Multiply value by factor, allowing for None values.""" if value is None: return None return value * factor
[docs]def illuminance_wm2(lux): "Approximate conversion of illuminance in lux to solar radiation in W/m2" return scale(lux, 0.005)
[docs]def pressure_inhg(hPa): "Convert pressure from hectopascals/millibar to inches of mercury" return scale(hPa, 1 / 33.86389)
[docs]def pressure_trend_text(trend): """Convert pressure trend to a string, as used by the UK met office. """ _ = pywws.localisation.translation.ugettext if trend > 6.0: return _(u'rising very rapidly') elif trend > 3.5: return _(u'rising quickly') elif trend > 1.5: return _(u'rising') elif trend >= 0.1: return _(u'rising slowly') elif trend < -6.0: return _(u'falling very rapidly') elif trend < -3.5: return _(u'falling quickly') elif trend < -1.5: return _(u'falling') elif trend <= -0.1: return _(u'falling slowly') return _(u'steady')
[docs]def rain_inch(mm): "Convert rainfall from millimetres to inches" return scale(mm, 1 / 25.4)
[docs]def temp_f(c): "Convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit" if c is None: return None return (c * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0
[docs]def winddir_average(data, threshold, min_count, decay=1.0): """Compute average wind direction (in degrees) for a slice of data. The wind speed and direction of each data item is converted to a vector before averaging, so the result reflects the dominant wind direction during the time period covered by the data. Setting the ``decay`` parameter converts the filter from a simple averager to one where the most recent sample carries the highest weight, and earlier samples have a lower weight according to how long ago they were. This process is an approximation of "exponential smoothing". See `Wikipedia <>`_ for a detailed discussion. The parameter ``decay`` corresponds to the value ``(1 - alpha)`` in the Wikipedia description. Because the weather data being smoothed may not be at regular intervals this parameter is the decay over 5 minutes. Weather data at other intervals will have its weight scaled accordingly. :note: The return value is in degrees, not the 0..15 range used elsewhere in pywws. :param data: a slice of pywws raw/calib or hourly data. :type data: :param threshold: minimum average windspeed for there to be a valid wind direction. :type threshold: float :param min_count: minimum number of data items for there to be a valid wind direction. :type min_count: int :param decay: filter coefficient decay rate. :type decay: float :rtype: float """ wind_filter = pywws.process.WindFilter() count = 0 for item in data: wind_filter.add(item) if item['wind_dir'] is not None: count += 1 if count < min_count: return None speed, direction = wind_filter.result() if speed is None or speed < threshold: return None return direction * 22.5
[docs]def winddir_degrees(pts): "Convert wind direction from 0..15 to degrees" return scale(pts, 22.5)
_winddir_text_array = None
[docs]def winddir_text(pts): "Convert wind direction from 0..15 to compass point text" global _winddir_text_array if pts is None: return None if not isinstance(pts, int): pts = int(pts + 0.5) % 16 if not _winddir_text_array: _ = pywws.localisation.translation.ugettext _winddir_text_array = ( _(u'N'), _(u'NNE'), _(u'NE'), _(u'ENE'), _(u'E'), _(u'ESE'), _(u'SE'), _(u'SSE'), _(u'S'), _(u'SSW'), _(u'SW'), _(u'WSW'), _(u'W'), _(u'WNW'), _(u'NW'), _(u'NNW'), ) return _winddir_text_array[pts]
[docs]def wind_kmph(ms): "Convert wind from metres per second to kilometres per hour" return scale(ms, 3.6)
[docs]def wind_mph(ms): "Convert wind from metres per second to miles per hour" return scale(ms, 3.6 / 1.609344)
[docs]def wind_kn(ms): "Convert wind from metres per second to knots" return scale(ms, 3.6 / 1.852)
_bft_threshold = ( 0.3, 1.5, 3.4, 5.4, 7.9, 10.7, 13.8, 17.1, 20.7, 24.4, 28.4, 32.6)
[docs]def wind_bft(ms): "Convert wind from metres per second to Beaufort scale" if ms is None: return None for bft in range(len(_bft_threshold)): if ms < _bft_threshold[bft]: return bft return len(_bft_threshold)
[docs]def dew_point(temp, hum): """Compute dew point, using formula from """ if temp is None or hum is None: return None a = 17.27 b = 237.7 gamma = ((a * temp) / (b + temp)) + math.log(float(hum) / 100.0) return (b * gamma) / (a - gamma)
[docs]def cadhumidex(temp, humidity): "Calculate Humidity Index as per Canadian Weather Standards" if temp is None or humidity is None: return None # Formulas are adapted to not use e^(...) with no appreciable # change in accuracy (0.0227%) saturation_pressure = (6.112 * (10.0**(7.5 * temp / (237.7 + temp))) * float(humidity) / 100.0) return temp + (0.555 * (saturation_pressure - 10.0))
[docs]def usaheatindex(temp, humidity, dew=None): """Calculate Heat Index as per USA National Weather Service Standards See, formula 1. The formula is not valid for T < 26.7C, Dew Point < 12C, or RH < 40% """ if temp is None or humidity is None: return None if dew is None: dew = dew_point(temp, humidity) if temp < 26.7 or humidity < 40 or dew < 12.0: return temp T = (temp * 1.8) + 32.0 R = humidity c_1 = -42.379 c_2 = 2.04901523 c_3 = 10.14333127 c_4 = -0.22475541 c_5 = -0.00683783 c_6 = -0.05481717 c_7 = 0.00122874 c_8 = 0.00085282 c_9 = -0.00000199 return ((c_1 + (c_2 * T) + (c_3 * R) + (c_4 * T * R) + (c_5 * (T**2)) + (c_6 * (R**2)) + (c_7 * (T**2) * R) + (c_8 * T * (R**2)) + (c_9 * (T**2) * (R**2))) - 32.0) / 1.8
[docs]def wind_chill(temp, wind): """Compute wind chill, using formula from """ if temp is None or wind is None: return None wind_kph = wind * 3.6 if wind_kph <= 4.8 or temp > 10.0: return temp return min(13.12 + (temp * 0.6215) + (((0.3965 * temp) - 11.37) * (wind_kph ** 0.16)), temp)
[docs]def apparent_temp(temp, rh, wind): """Compute apparent temperature (real feel), using formula from """ if temp is None or rh is None or wind is None: return None vap_press = (float(rh) / 100.0) * 6.105 * math.exp( 17.27 * temp / (237.7 + temp)) return temp + (0.33 * vap_press) - (0.70 * wind) - 4.00
[docs]def cloud_base(temp, hum): """Calculate cumulus cloud base in metres, using formula from or """ if temp is None or hum is None: return None dew_pt = dew_point(temp, hum) spread = float(temp) - dew_pt return spread * 125.0
[docs]def cloud_ft(m): "Convert cloud base from metres to feet." return scale(m, 3.28084)
def _main(argv=None): global _winddir_text_array # run some simple tests print('Wind speed:') print('%6s %8s %8s %8s %6s' % ('m/s', 'km/h', 'mph', 'knots', 'bft')) for ms in (0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34): print('%6g %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %6d' % ( ms, wind_kmph(ms), wind_mph(ms), wind_kn(ms), wind_bft(ms))) print('Wind direction:') for pts in range(16): print(' ' + winddir_text(pts), end='') print('') print('Wind direction, in Swedish:') pywws.localisation.set_translation('sv') _winddir_text_array = None for pts in range(16): print(' ' + winddir_text(pts), end='') print('') print('Cloud base in m and ft:') for hum in range(25, 75, 5): print("%8.3f m / %8.3f ft" % (cloud_base(15.0, hum), cloud_ft(cloud_base(15.0, hum)))) print('') if __name__ == "__main__": _main()